• Ed Stewart’s Story: From Back Pain to Back in the Boat

  • Complex Spine Surgery Returns Young Teenager to an Active Life

  • Patient Testimonial — The Center For Spine And Orthopedics

  • Donna Spearman’s Story — Living Life to the Fullest After 14-Hour Spine Surgery

  • Dave Charlebois’ Story — Pain-free One Day After Spine Surgery

  • Madilynn Gore’s Story — A Straighter Spine After Fusion Surgery for Scoliosis

  • Greg Newell’s Story — Short Recovery After Total Disc Replacement

  • Cullen’s Story: Walking and Sightseeing the Day After Minimally-Invasive Spine Surgery

  • Amanda Gonyea’s Story: Pain-Free After Spinal Fusion

  • Bill Allen’s Story: Free from Neck Pain after Total Disc Replacement