• At the Center for Spine and Orthopedics, our dedicated staff consistently goes above and beyond to provide patients with the best care that we can provide. Recently, Dr. Janssen received an email from a grateful patient who sheds light on the transformative impact of his top-tier professional care. 32 years ago Dr. Michael Janssen provided [...]

  • Dr. Paul Leo recently received praise from a customer that encapsulates what he is about in not only his work but with his patients. Dr. Leo is one of our Chronic Pain Management Specialists at the Center for Spine and Orthopedics. He continues to uphold an important reputation in our office as well as throughout [...]

  • Ricky Evans was able to return to work after artificial disc replacement in his lumbar spine by Dr. Jake Rumley. In this photo, Evans receives a silver star for running into a burning home and pulling out a man who set it on fire. Ricky Evans injured his lower back when he was [...]

  • Chris Caro received outstanding care, not only from Dr. Janssen, but also from North Metro Surgery Center nurses. Pictured, L-R, are Cindy and Tracy with Caro following his surgery. Jefferson County Deputy Sheriff Chris Caro is not sure why his neck pain and arm weakness began. He does not know if it runs [...]

  • Mike Barnes thanks Dr. Mike Janssen the day after his Total Disc Replacement surgery. “You are the best of the best as a doctor and surgeon,” says Mike. “Again, I can’t thank you enough for taking care of my neck. It’s amazing how good I feel already!” Mike Barnes woke up one morning [...]

  • Dale Owens and his wife, Lisa, flew to Denver for his spine surgery by Dr. Michael Janssen. Dale was discharged the same morning after his surgery. Dale Owens’ back problems began slowly. He started having back pain about two years ago, but it was not bad enough to keep him awake at night [...]

  • Chronic low back pain caused David Lucero to fall into depression. However, after lower back spinal fusion by Dr. Michael Janssen, David is now pain-free and looks forward to the future. While in his twenties and thirties, David Lucero had spasms and swelling in his back that continued for more than 20 years. [...]

  • While on disability, Bonita Raty stays busy by crocheting stuffed animals using patterns she found on Etsy. Since resolving her knee and back pain, she plans to return to part-time work later this year. Bonita Raty was an auto parts delivery driver for 20 years. Her job entailed lifting cases of oil, antifreeze, [...]

  • Recently retired family physician of 40 years Dr. Mark Flanigan enjoys traveling with wife, Nancy. The couple are pictured off the coast of Maine. Dr. Mark Flanigan has summited all of Colorado’s 58 14,000-foot peaks, plus other mountains, too. In June 2020, he climbed 12,504-foot Mt. Ptarmigan. On the way down, he realized [...]

  •   Nine years after first seeking relief from low back pain, Rodney Montoya is no longer in pain and has great hope for the future. Having moved to Alaska for a new job, he looks forward to fly fishing for king salmon and hunting for moose and caribou, activities he has not been able [...]