• Speedboat racer and business owner Bill Allen returned to work three weeks after Total Disc Replacement by spine surgeon, Michael Janssen, DO. Allen had a herniated disc and degenerative disc disease in his cervical spine (neck) and had no pain after the procedure. Bill Allen works 70 hours per week in his lawn [...]

  • Following a community Tai Chi class last April, Charlotte Wichael’s ankle became progressively sore. “We were doing a lot of ankle movements,” recalls the Arvada resident. “My ankle got more and more sore after that class.” By the end of April, Wichael could no longer walk and rarely left home. By July, the pain had [...]

  • As head rigger, Richard Baiotto has set up steel stages all over the world for various bands, including the Rolling Stones, Metallica, Aerosmith, Carrie Underwood and Katy Perry, among other performers. Setting up stages all over the world for bands, such as the Rolling Stones, Metallica, Aerosmith, Carrie Underwood, and Katy Perry, had [...]

  • After a day of boogie boarding on Kauai, where he had moved nine months ago, Dr. Mark Foster woke up in a lot of pain. “I don’t remember any specific incident at the beach,” says the 42-year old primary care physician, “but by the next morning I could tell that the old disc injury in my neck had flared up.” During the next two weeks, he developed progressive pain in his neck, as well as numbness and weakness in his left arm. “The pain made it so I couldn’t sleep, couldn’t concentrate at work, and could barely turn my neck, which made driving difficult,” he says. “But what really frightened me was my left arm, which just felt dead,” he says. An MRI showed a herniated disc pushing on his spinal cord. Because there are no neurosurgeons or spine surgeons on Kauai, the former Littleton resident flew to Denver to see a neurosurgeon friend in the metro Denver area.

  • Carol Ellis has been barrel racing for more than 40 years. Here, she is pictured on Sly Frosty Knight, also known as “Squid.” Carol Ellis has trained horses, taught barrel racing clinics and competed in barrel racing for more than 40 years. As a self–employed business owner, she works hard, teaching from March [...]

  • Ken Kirtley’s Story In 2008, prior to retiring from the United States Air Force after 25 years, Ken Kirtley was diagnosed with spondylolisthesis as the source of his chronic low back pain. At that time, he decided not to have surgery. “The procedure was much more invasive then,” Kirtley explains. For the next eight years, [...]

  • Where would we be without our patients? Ensuring that each and every person that walks through the doors of the Center for Spine and Orthopedics has a pleasant experience, and leaves feeling physically better, or emotionally uplifted with a plan established is incredibly important to the team here at CSO.

  • Patricia Senn was only 13 when she had bilateral knee surgery in California. Although osteoarthritis of the knee ran in her family—her mother had double knee replacements—being a girls’ fast pitch softball player since age 5 didn’t help. After surgery, Senn returned to softball but her knees grew worse, and she was forced to quit the sport at age 18.

  • More than 90 percent of Americans suffer from episodes of debilitating low back/neck pain that slows them in even the most undemanding physical activities. So they are forced to either slow down or completely abandon their favorite physical past times. Sad, but all too common.

  • We recently received the below testimonial from one of our patients and are thrilled to report her positive results from a Cervical Disc Replacement procedure with our own Dr. Janssen.