• Mr. Zabel returned from a 3 day backpacking trip.  Had he not undergone surgery with Dr. Janssen, he would not have enjoyed his trip to the Big Horn Mountains in north central Wyoming with his family. Read his complete story below. --- Here is a photo from last week's 3 day backpacking trip. I went [...]

  • “Today I had the pleasure of seeing one of your patients. She is a young lady enlisted in the service, who repairs military equipment. She informed me, with tears in her eyes, how lucky she felt that Dr. Janssen was her surgeon. She commented on how skilled Dr. Janssen was and what a caring person [...]

  • “Dr. Janssen and Ruth, At this time I would like to send out my gratitude and heart felt thanks to both of you!! And also another special thank you to the rest of your team of qualified professionals. I was always treated with the utmost care and concern with which I find is almost extinct [...]

  • “Dr. Janssen, Ruth, and Staff, I have been 99% pain free since my surgery in July. I have all of you to thank for that! You gave me back my life. I’m now physically active again. Not taking pain medications have almost taken away all of my stroke symptoms. No stress of pain and I [...]